Warehouse & Spot Zoning
We deserve to have our public spaces protected from special interests. We have a Master Plan that describes the purpose of properties along the Delaware River and specifically calls out Deleware River Park for passive recreational use along the river.
Kennedy, Lewis, and Clark support investment in Phillipsburg that makes sense to achieve the goals outlined in the master plan of our town.
In contrast to the spirit of the master plan, current Town Council members now running for re-election support a mall-sized warehouse of 420,000 square feet placed along the river, in an area that is accessible from an already crowded South Main Street. These Council members, at a public meeting, even offered to build the necessary infrastructure to make the process easier for the developer. It's the wrong project in the wrong place.
The community voiced their concerns and the State of New Jersey Green Acres has blocked any chance of using Delaware Park as a parking lot for the project as was again supported by the Council members running for re-election. This outcry from the community and rejection from Green Acres reduced the overall size of the project by almost a quarter. It's time for a change. Vote Kennedy, Lewis, and Clark 2021. Early voting starts on October 23, 2021.
We welcome warehouses in the appropriate locations along Memorial Highway, not downtown on the riverfront, at the expense of our residents. No traffic study, no discourse from the community, just an announcement and a reading of the Ordinance to change the Zoning to Industrial 2 from Residential approached only three years ago.
"WE ARE A POOR COMMUNITY THAT SHOULD BE THANKFUL FOR THE WAREHOUSES, AND THEY SHOULD BUILD THEM ONE ON TOP OF ANOTHER, LIKE LEGOS," as suggested by Council Vice President Robert Fulper. May 4th, 2021, currently running for re-election.
Again, ask questions.
Who owns the land, and why offer the Delaware River Park as part of the development?
Who agreed to allow LMR a place on the Delaware River as a Garbage Transfer Station?
Who re-zoned the park to be included in a larger industrial zone designated residential only three short years ago?
What changed?
Who benefits?
We need to keep our riverfront access to the people of Phillipsburg.
Based on recorded statements and votes of three current members, they are giving special treatment to known associates exploiting Spot Zoning to turn over public lands into private hands. The ruse is that this town council voted for that area to be included in the redevelopment plan supporting a greenway and not to benefit a single taxpayer at the expense of all others. Yet, here we are!
This situation has not been resolved and is going to cost the town, read taxpayers, an unplanned expense in increase infrastructure costs, that includes sewage, roads, and public services not included in the current budget. The trucks traversing South Main Street are a menace to residents along their path, increased road wear, narrow streets, and public safety.
This park was created in part by a New Jersey State Grant of $1,000,000 made possible from Green Acres, New Jersey. More effort should be made by our Town Council to make the park more of a destination, not a forgotten parcel to be carved up to the highest bidder.
How is it possible that three elected officials can undo the work and expense in opposition to a majority of the community after determining that area as a passive recreation area?
Good enough for the library but not a park on the Riverfront. Where is the public binding referendum?
Are we being manipulated to achieve a hidden agenda serving special interest?
Where is the explanation from our elected officials?
Where is the transparency?