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Character & Transparency

It has been a difficult four years filled with divisive rhetoric and speech that separates us instead of joining us toward a common goal for a Better Phillipsburg for Everyone.




More questions asked that have never been answered by the current Town Council now running for re-election.


1 - How much did the town of Phillipsburg pay because of the bad actions of this Town Council? As of May 2021, the Phillipsburg Taxpayers have spent over $650,000 in lawsuits filed against the town of Phillipsburg for inappropriate actions by individuals on the current Town Council. The real payout will be felt forever in the form of increased premiums paid to maintain our insurance coverage. The amount of money spent on just the deductible would pay the budget gap for the Phillipsburg Free Public Library


2 - Do you think our insurance costs for this type of coverage have increased since the current Town Council has been in office from all of the lost lawsuits?

YES! The Town Council has lost EVERY lawsuit filed against them. 


3 - Who was not able to participate in a professional manner because of alcohol consumption during a Town Council meeting? 

Regardless of the event, meeting, or gathering, Drinking on the job is not appropriate. As observed by Council President Frank Mcvey. This information was copied from but may have been modified prior to publishing.

4 - Who caused taxpayers to pay an additional $30,000 to a plaintiff because of the bully tactic of the current Town Council? In a judge's order, it was determined that if the town council had followed the instruction of the judge, we, the Taxpayers, would have saved paying $30,000 in increased legal fees. Yes, taxpayers made the extra payment based on the poor judgment of the current Town Council that would have paid for programs for our children. 


4 - Who runs a Podcast calling out residents, using names, medical conditions, and addresses of our residents in a derogatory manner?

When asked at a town council meeting, the reply was, "It's a Hobby and not subject to the Sunshine Laws" Really? Perhaps it is just the poor judgment of our elected officials. Seems the County Republican leadership had issues with the Podcast as they have since all been removed from public access during this election cycle. Are we being told one thing and shown another? Click HERE to read the transcript. 


5 - Who referred to a member of the community as "Bend Her Over"?

Misogynistic statements meant to undermine a community member's message about how warehouses are not always appropriate in certain locations within Phillipsburg. Observed Council President Frank Mcvey at a Planning Board Meeting. Feb 25, 2021 Newspaper Article, Video of Exchange. Republican Councilwoman DeGerolamo condems Council Presidents inexcusable comment:


Watch the video and Decide for Yourself. 


6 - Has the current members of the Town Council ridiculed community members publicly?  

Yes, ridiculing members of the community and dismissing valid questions posed at a Council Meeting when asked about the Town Council's Podcast after the malicious attack on the sister of a community member. as observed by Council President Frank Mcvey.


Our goal for sharing these inappropriate activities and poor judgment is to illustrate the sharp contrast between our approach to governing and the current elected Town Council's use of bully tactics to use their positions for personal gain. All of these examples have been documented and available for review by anyone interested in reading about how we are mistreated as a community by several members of the Town Council now running for re-election. 


Council members Fulper and McVey hide behind the details. The disrespect shown to Council member Degelolamo is a disgrace to our community and needs to be exposed for what it is. WRONG! 


There is documented definitive proof of the egregious behavior of the current elected officials on our Town Council.


Where is the explanation or even an apology from our elected officials?


What puts this Town Council above reproach? 


We believe we can do Better for Phillipsburg for Everyone!


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